
September Goals

I'm glad I started doing goals again...of course, I definitely did not meet them all in August, but setting some did finally get me thinking about the things I want to accomplish and what I can at least start to do or think about to reach my goals.  Here's a follow up on August:

  1. Start reading a book, a fluff book!  FAIL! Though I'm one step closer and did pick the book I want to read, so this goal might have to carry over to next month :)
  2. Lose 5 pounds by the end of the month. Almost exactly! 5.2 pounds lost in August!  Woohoo!  Wish it would have been more...but stress kinda got in the way.
  3. Do 2 5Ks per week, and of course, I mean at the gym. FAIL! I probably did 2 5ks in the month, however, I did end up with the stomach flu in the middle of the month which totally  put me out of commission for a good work out for nearly a week!  I have hit the gym or worked out at home at least three times per week.
  4. Get my rear in gear and sign up for the Cocoa Beano 5k before registration fills up! I'm going to do that right now... hehe.
I'm OK with the way things turned out in August.  I haven't set personal goals in quite a few months and my month was kinda jacked up with hosting a bachelorette party, getting the stomach flu, and being MOH in a wedding.  So you know, I'm just gonna say it, I'm proud!  Now onto September:
  1. PACK, CLEAN, PAINT, PACK, CLEAN, MOVE, PAINT...so we close on our house on Sept. 14th, and we have to be out of our rental house by the end of September.  Obviously, this goal will be reached, but I'm also hoping to motivate myself to start packing now, and I already have paint colors picked out!
  2. Take a few moments to myself and READ!  I think more than anything, this is just trying to make a point to have some me-time.
  3. Train for the Cocoa Beano 5k, I want to improve on my time from last year...hopefully it's not as cold this time, that just plain hurt my lungs!
  4. Lose 6.2 pounds this month, so I can reach my next goal weight and then set a new goal from there. :)
Do you have any goals for this coming month?  If so, I wish you the best of luck with achieving them!  Happy Friday!

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