
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

Plans: In the short-term, I plan to apply for a new job working for the government.  I plan to pay off debt as soon as possible.  I plan to live each day fully, in case it's my last.  I plan to love my husband unconditionally and I plan to share my love with my friends and family.  In the long term, I plan to go to grad-school for elementary education.  I plan to teach when the time is right.  I plan to have a family with my husband.  I plan to support all of my friends with their upcoming weddings these next couple years.  I plan to enjoy watching my little brother grow up and my little sister graduate college.  And I plan to travel as much as I can.

Dreams: I guess in a sense, a lot of my plans are also my dreams that I insist on making a reality.  I guess the big dream is to be able to travel to all of the places I want to go, but of course, that might be a financial and logistic challenge.

Goals: Pay off student loans before they are due.  Meet my weight loss goal by May 14th (Alli's wedding).  If I don't meet it by May 14th, my goal is to not give up and keep working towards it. Volunteer more.

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